I'm biased...I readily admit it.
I learned to ski in my early thirties at Burke Mountain. I had heard so many great stories about skiing Burke, that one day I packed up my kids and decided we were going to become "skiers" or "boarders". I remember walking out the front door, my wife kissing me good-bye and telling all of us (me specifically) to be safe. I was convinced the kids were more than old enough to take on the challenge. My oldest daughter and son quickly decided that they were skiers. My youngest son and I were determined to be rebels and ride boards. After arriving, renting equipment, each of us went off to our individual instructors. My early experiences riding the j-bar were "interesting". As I struggled just to get up the bunny hill, my kids were slowly gliding downhill with their instructors. Occasionally, they would look at me with sympathy and wave awkwardly. I'm not sure whether it was during day one or two of snowboarding lessons, but I had amassed enough self-inflicted bone bruises to decide that I was not a boarder.
After picking up the broken pieces of my ego, I was left with trying to ski. Something about my legs potentially going in two distinctly different directions while sliding 30-40 mph on snow/ice...just had me concerned. To everyone's amazement (mostly mine), I was a natural born skier. After one weekend of lessons, I was parallel skiing from mid-Burke. Within a week or two I was skiing from the top of the mountain. I've never seriously hurt myself and despite stories around my family's dinner table...I think I am a pretty decent skier.